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TerraCarta entwickelt 3D-Betonscanner!

TerraCarta entwickelt 3D-Betonscanner! Gemeinsam mit Interboor Midsland und B+BTec führt TerraCarta an den Decken eines Regierungsgebäudes in Den Haag Kontrollen und Scans zur Ortung von Kabeln, Leitungen, Bewehrungen und Heizungsrohren durch. Im Anschluss daran verstärkten Interboor Midsland und B+BTec vor Ort einige Böden des Regierungsgebäudes mit ihrem patentierten Verfahren.   Die Immobilienverwaltung der niederländischen Regierung…

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Work safely and prevent excavation damage with TerraCarta!

When you organise a construction plan or whenever you have to excavate a location for the (re)construction of roads, sewerage or sheet piling, it is very important to know what lies below the surface. Underground utilities and other obstacles can greatly disturb your activities and cost a lot of money because of that.

Specialist in utility mapping

We are a leading consultancy firm, which in recent years has developed itelf as an expert in utility mapping and detection. non-destructive and advanced equipment, combined with our unique techniques are used to map the underground situation and with additional research, we verify if our results are correct. This way, the risk of excavation damage gets laid out for the client, so they can use this information to prevent damaging any underground utilities. We use the following techniques to expertly map the subsurface:

  • GPR detection;
  • Radiodetection (based on above ground elements);
  • Analysing the available information versus our own results;
  • Trench digging.

We are employed in the following sectors:


Select one of the following sectors for more information.


TerraCarta has a lot of experience with everything railroad-related

More information about railroads

Railroads are a specialism where requirements are very high. TerraCarta is very proud of the fact that a lot of parties in this sector have put their trust in us.

Dutch regulations (WIBON)

The huge amount of excavation damage has not gone unnoticed: different parties sounded the alarm, this way it found its way into Dutch politics.

TerraCarta, in practice, has a lot to do with the Dutch regulations. One of our goals is to ensure the quality of our detection techniques according to Dutch law. The main points of these regulations are:

  • It is required by law to do a ‚KLIC‘-notification whenever you start excavating;
  • Cable owners are responsible to have their cables mapped at a 1 meter accuracy;
  • Any big theoretical deviations are required by law to be reported to the proper instances;
  • It is required by law for utility owners to immediately correct these deviations;
  • Cables that do not get assigned an owner, get registered at the local government;
  • The client has to ensure that an excavation is executed carefully.

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